
exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.AmbiguousFormFields

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

Trying to change fields over multiple forms is not possible.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BlankPage(message='')

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The browser is on a blank page.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

ftw.testbrowser exception base class.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserNotSetUpException

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The browser is not set up properly. Use the browser as a context manager with the “with” statement.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.ContextNotFound(message=None)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

When trying to access a context but the current page has no context information, this exception is raised.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.FormFieldNotFound(label_or_name, labels=None)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

Could not find a form field.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPClientError(status_code, status_reason)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPError

The request caused a client error with status codes 400-499.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPError(status_code, status_reason)

Bases: exceptions.IOError

The request has failed.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPServerError(status_code, status_reason)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPError

The request caused a server error with status codes 500-599.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.InsufficientPrivileges(status_code, status_reason)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.HTTPClientError

This exception is raised when Plone responds that the user has insufficient privileges for performing that request.

Plone redirects the user to a “require_login” script when the user has not enough privileges (causing an internal Unauthorized exception to be raised).

When a user is logged in, the “require_login” script will render a page with the title “Insufficient Privileges”. For anonymous users, the login form is rendered. Both cases cause the testbrowser to raise an InsufficientPrivileges exception.

This exception can be disabled with by disabling the raise_http_errors option.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.NoElementFound(query_info=None)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

Empty result set has no elements.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.NoWebDAVSupport

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The current testbrowser driver does not support webdav requests.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.OnlyOneValueAllowed

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The field or widget does not allow to set multiple values.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.OptionsNotFound(field_label, options, labels=None)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

Could not find the options for a widget.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.RedirectLoopException(url)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The server returned a redirect response that would lead to an infinite redirect loop.

exception ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.ZServerRequired

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.exceptions.BrowserException

The requests driver can only be used with a running ZServer. Use the plone.app.testing.PLONE_ZSERVER testing layer.