Nodes and forms

Result set

class ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: list

A list of HTML nodes. This is used as result set when doing queries (css / xpath) on the HTML document. It acts as a list.

css(*args, **kwargs)

Find nodes by a css expression which are within one of the nodes in this result set. The resulting nodes are merged into a new result set.

Parameters:css_selector (string) – The CSS selector.
Returns:Object containg matches.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes
find(*args, **kwargs)

Find a elements by text. The elements are searched within each node of the current result set.

The method looks for: - a link with this text (normalized, including subelements’ texts) - a field which has a label with this text - a button which has a label with this text

Parameters:text (string) – The text to be looked for.
Returns:A list of the parent of each node in the current result set.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

The first element of the list.


The first element of the list or None if the list is empty.


Returns a list of each node’s parent.

Returns:The parent of each node of the current result set.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

A list of all raw_text properties of this result set.

Returns:A list of raw text
Return type:list of string

A list of all text properties of this result set.

Returns:A list of text
Return type:list of string

Returns a list with the text content of each node of this result set.

Returns:A list of the text_content of each node.
Return type:list
xpath(*args, **kwargs)

Find nodes by an xpath expression which are within one of the nodes in this result set. The resulting nodes are merged into a new result set.

Parameters:xpath_selector (string) – The xpath selector.
Returns:Object containg matches.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Node wrappers

Node wrappers wrap the standard lxml elements and extend them with some useful methods so that it is nicely integrated in the ftw.testbrowser behavior.

class ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper(node, browser)

Bases: object

NodeWrapper is the default wrapper class in which each element will be wrapped for use in ftw.testbrowser. It wraps the elements returned by lxml and redirects calls if it does not overload them.

There are more specific node wrapper classes for some elements.


The current browser instance.


A list of css-classes of this element.


Test whether the passed other node is contained in the current node.

Parameters:other (ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper) – The other node.
Returns:True when other is within self.
Return type:boolean
css(*args, **kwargs)

Find nodes within this node by a css selector.

Parameters:css_selector (string) – The CSS selector.
Returns:Object containg matches.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Find an element by text within the current node.

The method looks for: - a link with this text (normalized, including subelements’ texts) - a field which has a label with this text - a button which has a label with this text


A single node object or None if nothing matches.

Return type:



The unmodified HTML content of the current node. The HTML-Tag of the current node is not included.

Return type:unicode

Iterate over all links in this node. Each link is represented as a tuple with node, attribute, link, pos.


The whitespace-normalized HTML content of the current node. The HTML-Tag of the current node is not included. All series of whitespaces (including non-breaking spaces) are replaced with a single space.

Return type:unicode

The whitespace-normalized HTML of the current node and its children. The HTML-Tag of the current node is included. All series of whitespaces (including non-breaking spaces) are replaced with a single space.

Return type:unicode

The whitespace-normalized HTML of the current node and its children. The HTML-Tag of the current node is included.

Return type:unicode
parent(css=None, xpath=None)

Find the nearest parent which (optionally) does match a css or xpath selector.

If parent is called without an argument the first parent is returned.


browser.css('.foo > .bar').first.parent('#content')
# equals
browser.css('.foo > .bar').first.parent(xpath='*[@id="content"]')
  • css (string) – The css selector.
  • xpath (string) – The xpath selector.

The parent node.

Return type:



The original lxml raw text of this node.

Returns:Original lxml raw text.
Return type:unicode

Returns the whitespace-normalized text of the current node. This includes the text of each node within this node recursively. All whitespaces are reduced to a single space each, including newlines within the text.

HTML line breaks (<br />) are turned into a single newlineand paragraphs (<p></p>) and with two newlines, although the end of the string is stripped.

For having the original lxml raw text, use raw_text. .. seealso:: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper.raw_text()

Returns:The whitespace normalized text content.
Return type:unicode

Returns the text content of the current node, including the text content of each containing node recursively.

Returns:The text content.
Return type:unicode

Test whether the passed other node contains the current node.

Parameters:other (ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper) – The other node.
Returns:True when self is within other.
Return type:boolean
xpath(*args, **kwargs)

Find nodes within this node by a css selector.

Parameters:css_selector (string) – The CSS selector.
Returns:Object containg matches.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes
class ftw.testbrowser.nodes.LinkNode(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Wrapps an <a> node.


Clicks on the link, which opens the target in the current browser.

class ftw.testbrowser.nodes.DefinitionListNode(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Wrapps a <dl> node.


Returns the normalized text of each <dd>-tag of this definition list.

Returns:A list of text of each <dd>-node.
Return type:list of unicode

Returns a mapping (list with tuples) from <dt>-tags to <dd>-tags of this definition list.

Returns:a dict where the key is the <dt>-node and the value is the <dd>-node.
Return type:dict

Returns a terms (<dt>) to definition (<dd>) mapping as list with tuples, each as normalized text.

Returns:key is the text of the <dt>-node, value is the text of the <dd>-node.
Return type:dict

Returns all <dt>-tags which are direct children of this definition list.

Returns:A list of <dt>-tags.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Returns the normalized text of each <dt>-tag of this definition list.

Returns:A list of text of each <dt>-node.
Return type:list of unicode

Returns a dict with a mapping of text-terms to <dd>-nodes.

Returns:key is the text of the <dt>-node, value is the <dd>-node.
Return type:dict

Returns all <dd>-tags which are direct children of this definition list.

Returns:A list of <dd>-tags.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Forms, fields and widgets

class ftw.testbrowser.form.Form(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper


The full qualified URL to send the form to. This should imitate normal browser behavior:

If the action is full qualified, use it as it is. If the action is relative, make it absolute by joining it with the page’s base URL. If there is no action, the action is the current page URL.

The page’s base URL can be set in the HTML document with a <base>-tag, otherwise the page URL is used.


Accepts a field label (or a field name) and returns the field name of the field.

Parameters:label (string) – The label of the field.
Returns:The field name of the field.
Return type:string

A list of label texts and field names of each field in this form.

The list contains the whitespace normalized label text of each field. If there is no label or it has an empty text, the fieldname is used instead.

Returns:A list of label texts (and field names).
Return type:list of strings

Accepts a dict and converts its field labels (keys) to field names.

  • values (dict) – A dict of values where the keys are field labels.
  • values – A dict of values where the keys are field names.
Return type:



Accepts a dict, where the key is the name or the label of a field and the value is its new value and fills the form with theese values.

Parameters:values (dict) – The key is the label or input-name and the value is the value to set.
Returns:The form node.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.form.Form
find_button_by_label(*args, **kwargs)

Finds a button of with a specific label in this form.

Parameters:label (string) – The label of the button.
Returns:The button node
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper
find_field(*args, **kwargs)

Finds and returns a field by label or name.

Parameters:label_or_name (string) – The label or the name of the field.
Returns:The field node
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper
find_submit_buttons(*args, **kwargs)

Returns all submit buttons of this form.

Returns:a list of submit buttons
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes of ftw.testbrowser.form.SubmitButton of

Finds a Plone widget (div.field) in a form.

Parameters:label (string) – The label of the widget.
Returns:Returns the field node or None.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Returns a list of all input nodes of this form.

Returns:All input nodes
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Clicks on the “Save” button in this form.


Submits this form by clicking on the first submit button. The behavior of click the first submit button is what browser usually do and may not get the expected results.

It might be more save to click the primary button specificall:

# or

See also



Returns the lxml FieldsDict of this form.

Returns:lxml fields dict
Return type:lxml.html.FieldsDict
class ftw.testbrowser.form.TextAreaField(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

The TextAreaField node wrapper wraps a text area field and makes sure that the TinyMCE widget finds its label, since the markup of the TinyMCE widget is not standard.

class ftw.testbrowser.form.SubmitButton(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Wraps a submit button and makes it clickable.


Click on this submit button, which makes the form submit with this button.


Returns the form of which this button is parent. It returns the first form node if it is a nested form.

Returns:the form node
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.form.Form


class ftw.testbrowser.table.Table(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Represents a table tag.


All body rows of this table. Body rows are those rows which are neither heading rows nor footer rows.

Returns:A list of body rows which are part of this table.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

All cells of this table.

Returns:A list of cells which are part of this table.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes
column(index_or_titles, head=True, body=True, foot=True, head_offset=0, as_text=True)

Returns a list of values of a specific column. The column may be identified by its index (integer) or by the title (string).

  • index_or_titles (int or string or list of strings) – Index or title of column
  • head (boolean (Default: True)) – Include head rows.
  • body (boolean (Default: True)) – Include body rows.
  • foot (boolean (Default: True)) – Include foot rows.
  • head_offset (int (Default: 0)) – Offset for the header for removing header rows.
  • as_text (Boolean (Default: True)) – Converts cell values to text.

A list of lists of texts.

Return type:


dicts(body=True, foot=True, head_offset=0, as_text=True)

Returns a list of dicts, where each dict is a row (of either table body or table foot). The keys of the row dicts are the table headings and the values are the cell texts. Cells with colspan are repeated.

  • body (boolean (Default: True)) – Include body rows.
  • foot (boolean (Default: True)) – Include foot rows.
  • head_offset (int (Default: 0)) – Offset for the header for removing header rows.
  • as_text (Boolean (Default: True)) – Converts cell values to text.

A list of lists of texts.

Return type:



Returns all nodes from the nodes list which are part of this table, filtering all other nodes (unfamiliars).

Parameters:nodes – The list of nodes to filter.
Returns:The filtered list of nodes.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Find a cell of this table by text. When nothing is found, it falls back to the default find behavior.

Parameters:text (string) – The text to be looked for.
Returns:A single node object or None if nothing matches.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

All footer rows of this table. Footer rows are those rows (tr) which are within the tfoot tag.

Returns:A list of footer rows.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes
get_rows(head=False, body=False, foot=False, head_offset=0)

Returns merged head, body or foot rows. Set the keyword arguments to True for selecting the type of rows.

  • head (boolean (Default: False)) – Selects head rows.
  • body (boolean (Default: False)) – Selects body rows.
  • foot (boolean (Default: False)) – Selects foot rows.
  • head_offset (int (Default: 0)) – Offset for the header for removing header rows.

A list of rows which are part of this table.

Return type:



Returns the titles (thead) of the table. If there are multiple table head rows, the cells of the rows are merged per column (with newline as separator).

Parameters:head_offset (int (Default: 0)) – Offset for the header for removing header rows.
Returns:A list of table head texts per column.
Return type:list

All heading rows of this table. Heading rows are those rows (tr) which are within the thead tag.

Returns:A list of heading rows.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Returns True when node is a component of the this table. Returns False when node is a table component but is part of a nested table.

Parameters:node (ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper) – The node to check.
Returns:whether node is part of this table
Return type:boolean
lists(head=True, body=True, foot=True, head_offset=0, as_text=True)

Returns a list of lists, where each list represents a row and contains the texts of the cells. Cells with colspan are repeated (padding) so that row lengths are equal.

  • head (boolean (Default: True)) – Include head rows.
  • body (boolean (Default: True)) – Include body rows.
  • foot (boolean (Default: True)) – Include foot rows.
  • head_offset (int (Default: 0)) – Offset for the header for removing header rows.
  • as_text (Boolean (Default: True)) – Converts cell values to text.

A list of lists of texts.

Return type:



All rows of this table.

Returns:A list of rows which are part of this table.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Returns the titles (thead) of the table. If there are multiple table head rows, the cells of the rows are merged per column (with newline as separator).

Returns:A list of table head texts per column.
Return type:list
class ftw.testbrowser.table.TableCell(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.table.TableComponent

Represents a table cell (td or th).


Returns the row (tr node) of this cell.

Returns:The row node.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.table.TableRow
class ftw.testbrowser.table.TableComponent(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.nodes.NodeWrapper

Represents any component of a table tag. This includes: ‘colgroup’, ‘col’, ‘thead’, ‘tbody’, ‘tfoot’, ‘tr’, ‘td’, ‘th’


Returns the table of which this button is parent. It returns the first table node if it is a nested table.

Returns:the table node
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.table.Table
class ftw.testbrowser.table.TableRow(node, browser)

Bases: ftw.testbrowser.table.TableComponent

Represents a table row (tr).


The cell nodes of this row.

Returns:A Node list of cell nodes.
Return type:ftw.testbrowser.nodes.Nodes

Returns this row as dict. The keys of the dict are the column titles of the table, the values are the cell texts of this row.

Returns:A dict with the cell texts.
Return type:dict

Returns a list with the normalized_text of each cell of the row, but adds empty padding-cells for cells with a colspan.

Parameters:node (ftw.testbrowser.nodes.TableRow) – The row node.
Returns:A list of cell texts
Return type:list